1. Real Name : Nor Syamila binti Ahmad
2. Nickname :just mila...not included AF oke!;p
3. Zodiac Sign : PISCES
4. Male/Female :perempuan melayu terakhir..haha
5. Elementary School : sek ren temerloh & sek ren kuantan (1)
6. Highschool : sek men temenggong & sek men tunku putra
7. College : nOne
8. Hair Colour : BLACK
9. Tall or Short : nk berlagak like a model..tall enough...huhu..pasan jewk!
10. Sweat or Jeans :Jeans
11. Phone or Camera : Camera (gila lensa beb!phone xdak diperlukan hihi...)
12. Health Freak : Good
13. Orange or Apple : APPLE
14. Do you have a crush on someone : bkn saya tp mereka...menci~
15. Eat or Drink : Both
16. Piercings :sometimes
17. Pepsi or Coke : kurang gemar air byk gula
Have you ever..
1 . Been in an airplane : Never
2 . Been in relationship : of cOz larh
3 . Been in car accident : Never
4 . Been a first fight : yeP !
First & Last
1. First household chores : cant remember ~
2. First best friend :Noor Syafiza & Hirda Maya Dewi
3. First award :Anugerah pelajar cemerlang & pengawas muda
5. First word : ???
6. First section : ekut suka la nk section mane ak bg er...
7. Last person you talked to in person : sbntar tadi..En Ramli my engineer
8. Last person u texted : kekanda ku :)
9. Last person you watched a movie with : jgn nk movie sgt...xigt da lmer giler...
10. Last food you ate : Kueh
11. Last movie u watched :no Movie,mOvie
12. Last song you listen to : anuar zain - sedetik lebih
13. Last thing you bought : sampul surt tuk company..blum claim ag
14. Last person u hugged : lmer giler xhug org!sape nk kena hug??meh cnie meh...
Favorite :
1. Food : nasi goreng paprik
2. Drink : teh o limau ais tOl x sebut 2?
3. Bottoms :haa..ape nie?bOttoms la kOwt ahahaha....
4. Flower : like a vintage suka giler
5. Animal :cat dgn kura² ijau hihi...
6. Colour : hijau
7. Movie : semua genre suka
8. Subject : sejarah kOwt..walaupn slalu terlupa..tp sejarh dpt A
(put an X in the bracket if yes )
1. [x] falling in love with someone.
2. [ ] celebrate halloween.
3. [x] had your heart broken.
4. [x] went over the minutes / text on your cellphone.
5. [ ] had someone question about my sexual orientation.
6. [ ] got pregnant.
7. [ ] had abortion.
8. [x] did something i regret.
9. [x] broke promise.
10. [x] hide a secret.
11. [x] pretend to be happy.
12. [x] meet someone who changed your life
13. [x] pretend to be sick.
14. [ ] left the country.
15. [x] try something you normally wouldnt try and liked it.
16. [ ] cry over the silliest thing.
17. [x] ran a mile.
18. [x] when to the beach with your friend.
19. [x] got into an argument with your friend
20.[x ] hated someone.
21. [ ] stay single for a whole year.
1. Eating : nope
2. Drinking : nope
3. Listening to : Hot fm
4. Sitting or Laying : Sitting
5. Plan for today : nothing just want finished my work early n back hOme
6. Waiting : my dreaming cOme true ececeh...
Your future :
1. want kids? : nak, nak,
2. want to get married : Of COz
3. career : wanita bekerjaya
Which is more attractive (choose one ) :
1. lips or eyes : Eyes
2. shorter or taller : Taller
3. romantic or spontaneous : Romantic
4. hook up or relationship : Relationship
5. looks or personality : Personality
Have you ever..
1. lost glasses/contact : xde..xilang tp xpkai
2. snuck out of a house : never. !
3. held a gun / knife for self defense : nOpe mcmla xde keje laen nk wat
4. killed somebody : mungkin haha...
5. broken somebody heart : ntahla..ade kOwt..kejam an?
6. been in love : baru² nie jewk..tet!!!
7. cried when someone died : yes
Do you believe in :
1. yourself : sometimes
2. miracles : yes
3. love at first sight : maybe
4. heaven : Wajib!
5. santa claus : no
6. superstition : eMm maYbe…
7. kiss on the first date : noPe !
Truthfully :
1. is there one person you want to be with right now ?: of cos!
2. do you know who your real friend are ? : yes, sure.
3. do you believe in God ? : yes, of cos!
4. post as 100 truths ? : Maybe ;D
5. 25-5 people yg bertuah : awak dia kamu dan mereka...
p/s :[kOrang nk buat?silakan tnpa paksaan iyer... ]
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